
About the Author

Hi, I’m J_Tanzanite, or Jay for short.
I’m the author of Little Anti-Cheat.

I wrote Little Anti-Cheat back in 2018, after I had quit cheating in Team Fortress 2.
In short, I used to cheat, but slowly quit as I decided I didn’t want to be an asshole anymore.
That’s all there really is to say about me.

Originally, Little Anti-Cheat was a private Anti-Cheat I had for some secret servers I owned, where I would play with friends and strangers. However, after a while, I stopped playing TF2 much, and shut down my servers. At which point, I was left with an Anti-Cheat which seemed to do a lot of good at protecting my own servers.
And it would have been a shame to just abandon the project, especially when there were a lot of other server communities which were struggling with cheaters.

Not to forget, at the time, there really were only two public and free Anti-Cheats out there.
Sourcemod Anti-Cheat (SMAC)
Cow Anti-Cheat

SMAC had been abandoned for years, and most cheats bypassed it with ease.
Cow Anti-Cheat on the other hand, was only for CS:GO, but had lots of false positives, and was abandoned shortly after release.

So around 2020, I decided to release my Anti-Cheat into the public.
Sure, Little Anti-Cheat would eventually become bypassed as well, but it’s better to have something that would catch and ban cheaters for a few months, than having nothing to detect and ban cheaters at all.
Plus, even tho some of Little Anti-Cheat’s features were bypassable, not all of them are.
And so, it would still become fairly useful, even when the day comes and all cheats bypass it.

About this website

I am terrible with web development, and won’t pretend to hide it.
This website was generated by Hugo with the Blackburn theme.
This website is more or less just a blog where I can write about Little Anti-Cheat, explain how it works and such things.

Other projects

Since Little Anti-Cheat is starting to take off, I might as well begin to look into releasing some of my other projects.

Like my private Anti-Wallhack… Which to this day, I still dislike, as it was never super good in the first place.
But, in some regards, it was better than SMAC’s Anti-Wallhack module, tho mine had flaws of its own.
Sadly, it seems like I’ve lost the source files… Or… I can’t figure out which is the latest release…
Either way, my old coding style was so garbage, I should re-code it from scratch.

I may also release my TF2 Balancing plugin, as it’s a shame to see that project go to waste as well, although, I never got to finish it.

And perhaps I will release my RTV plugin, as I never liked the official one… Maybe… perhaps… Probably not.